Attended Kindergarten at Pixie Private School, Lake Worth, Florida.
Attended First Grade at Mr. Sapp’s Little Red School House, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Attended Second Grade through Fourth Grade at Belvedere Elementary School, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Attended Fifth Grade at Greenacres Elementary School, Lake Worth, Florida.
Attended Sixth Grade at Palm Beach Day School, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Attended The King’s Academy, West Palm Beach, Florida where I repeated Sixth Grade and then completed Seventh Grade to Twelfth Grade.
September 1973 - Accepted Jesus as my Savior during a Chapel Service at The King’s Academy. Unfortunately, my experience was a fire and brimstone . My children accepted Jesus because of his love, grace and mercy, and not out of fear that they were going to die and go to hell if they didn’t accept Jesus as your Savior.
Attended Mercer University, Macon, Georgia from September 1979 through May 1980. Transferred to Auburn University in August 1980 and began pursuing a major in Organizational Management.

Married Timothy Lee Harrell on March 18, 1989.
March 27, 1993: Tess Morgan Harrell , our first daughter was born with beautiful auburn hair.
July 1994: we moved from 32 Ohio Road, Lake Worth, Florida to Richmond,Virginia to be closer to Tim’s parent’s, Arthur Lee Harrell and Marcia Creamer Harrell. Tim, Tess and I lived with Tim’s parents on Weyburn Road in the City of Richmond for 6 months while we sold our home in Lake Worth and purchased a home at 8245 Halstead Road in the same neighborhood where Tim’s parents lived. Tim and his Dad completed extensive renovations to our home.
August 24, 1995: Jenna Leigh Harrell, our second daughter, was born with dark brown hair. October 1999: we moved from our home at 8245 Halstead Road to Tim’s parent’s new home on River Park Way, Chesterfield, Virginia while Tim and his dad, once again, did extensive renovations to our new home (old home built in 1967) at 2310 Wadebridge Road, Midlothian, Virginia located in suburbs of Chesterfield County in an excellent school zone for the kids. August 10, 2000: Timothy Austin Harrell, our one and only son, was born.
October 2009: Tim began commuting via airlines to Naples, Florida for work. He built a Spec home in Royal Harbor while also being a project manager for his brother, Arthur Jeffrey’s architectural firm, Harrell & Company Architects.
June 2011: Tess Morgan Harrell graduated from Midlothian High School and earned a 50% paid scholarship from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Art School, in Richmond, Virginia.
June 2011: we listed our home for sale. We had many showings, but not a single offer. August 21, 2011: we moved from Midlothian, Virginia to a rental home in Naples, Florida
.January 2012: Tess became a nanny for a family that resides on Monument Avenue near VCU. The nanny position included furnished living quarters. So, Tess was able to move out of her dorm. The family has two boys, Aidan and T.J., whom Tess has become so attached to. She loves them dearly!
August 21, 2011 through February 2012: our home sat on the market never to receive any offers. In mid February we were contacted by our realtor to see if we would be willing to rent our home to a couple who lived in our neighborhood that had just had an electrical fire. We rented our house through the end of July. Before the couple moved out they actually found a new tenant for us, a family that was being transferred from Charlotte, North Carolina.
Mid-November 2012: I began having horrible headaches, hoarseness, scratchy throat, fatigue, feeling tired, and having difficulties with my left side functions…trouble typing on the keyboard, etc. Tim, Jenna, Austin and I traveled to Bluffton, South Carolina and spent Thanksgiving with Tim’s parents.
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