Welcome to my wife Judy's blog. This was her idea to keep all of our friends and family informed of her progress in battling this disease. We will also be adding some information and links to products and services that have made coping with the disease a little easier. I want to thank all the people who are continuing to pray and offer their strong support to Judy and our family. Please feel free to send notes and post comments as you feel led. I will post updates, pictures and information as this journey continues. Judy is incredible as anyone that knows her can confirm. Her kind heart and soft kindness has be witnessed by so many. What many have not seen is the strength she continues to demonstrate from the minute she received her diagnosis. There was surprise of course, but no anger. She calmly accepted that God was in control and she accepts his plan for her life. Wow is all I can say. I hear people talk about faith but have never witnessed such a bold confirmation of what real faith looks like. Her positive attitude has been such a blessing in helping us adjust to a new normal.
Tim( Judy's other half)
Be assured of our prayers. May God watch over you.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for doing this blog. We don't want to bother you when you all have so much on your plate but we do want to know how to specifically pray for you. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Love from all the Sillmons
ReplyDeleteI had no idea of all of this until Kristina told me that Jenna posted it on FB. I know we have lost touch since you left Richmond but please know you are not forgotten and you will be in my prayers. Thanks for posting this so people can know and pray.
ReplyDeleteKaren Wakefield