
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hello From Judy!

Hello everyone!
This is Judy. So far today had been a good day, finally today i do not have nausea! For the last ten days I was suffering from pretty bad nausea, especially in the mornings. But now, with some medicine as well as an anti-nausea patch, I am feeling much better. Yesterday was my third round of chemo. I was administered Carboplatin and Paclitaxel, as well as Bevacizumab. This was my first treatment of Bevacizumab. They also gave me a steroid and anti-nausea patch, so when i came home i was able to spend time with Tess, who is in town this week for Spring Break. I also was able to eat dinner with the family together at the table, which is something i hadn't been able to do recently.
            I have really enjoyed all of the company recently. First, Carol, Shannon, Bev, Stephanie, and Susan were in town. Then my sister Rhonda came into town for 10 days. She was here for work, but we got to have lunch, see sunsets, and have a few other meals together. We also had a wonderful day at the beach on Saturday with my brother Keeler, his wife Beth, and their kids, Elizabeth, Sarah, Michael, and David. After Rhonda left, i pretty much stayed in bed until two days ago. I was feeling very tired, and the nausea also kept me feeling pretty bad. But now that I have the anti-nausea medicine, I am feeling much better!
            I am looking forward to seeing Sarah Irwin (from Tuesday Morning Bible Study at our Richmond, Va church, West End Assemly of God) on Saturday! Shannon Skinn is coming again on Sunday and will be staying until Thursday.
            On March 5 we met with Dr. Wang to discuss the results of my MRI and Pet Scans. The results were sort of a "mixed bag" according to the doctor. The tumors in the brain and lung showed signs of shrinkage. The activity within the tumors has slowed to half what it was prior to chemo and radiation. I was very thankful for this good news. However, they did identify several areas that had not shown up on the previous PET Scan. There were two spots on the liver and multiple spots within the bones. We are keeping in mind that there was a five week period where critical radiation had to be performed on the brain tumors before systemic treatment using chemotherapy could be started. The positive side of this discovery is that the tumors show a reduced level of activity. Their activity level is in line with the tumors that are being affected by the chemo. Our hope is that the additional chemo drug they have added to my regimen will further the improvement we have seen. My next scan will be in about six weeks. That should give us a firm benchmark to base my progress. I am so blessed to have such support from near and far. The cards that come in the mail daily remind me of all the people I have praying for me, and the love that the Lord has for me.

18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,
    your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.
19 When anxiety was great within me,
    your consolation brought me joy.

*I worked with Tess this morning to complete my "About Me" section, if you would like to know more of the details about my life, as well as the cancer treatments. Also, if you look on the right-hand side there is an area that says "Follow Me By Email". If you enter your email in that box and press submit, you should receive an email whenever the blog is updated!

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